The Prologue
On the Twilight of 19th February, Me and my Girlfriend just took a little walk around RingRoad Cross (Jogja) ‘till we saw a banner that advertise a concert, a big banner printed “SORE”. We amazed, because as we know before, an indie band like SORE is Not so often to do a Tour to another city, especially Jogja. At the time, I know that I have the same thought with my Girl. Then we looking for the accurate Information by internet. Yup, We got it!Jack daniel’s Global Tour
19th February 2009
Starts 10 PM
@Liquid Café (Jl.Magelang Km 5,5)
HTM: IDR 20000
We're so excited to come to this event, so we went home in a rush, got prepared, and took a taxi at 9:30 PM. Fortunately, We arrived at 9:50 PM, We thought we made it before the show started.Presents
19th February 2009
Starts 10 PM
@Liquid Café (Jl.Magelang Km 5,5)
HTM: IDR 20000
Okay, First Stupidity. We came toooooo early. Even the Light has not turn on yet.
With a high and strong confidence, I took a step forward and asked the hot chick who’s guarding the Main door.
Me : Excuse me, why the Light has not be turn on yet? It’s Open already, isn’t it?
Hot Chick [HC] : Sorry Sir, We are not opened yet, Would you please wait for Ten minute? We will be Open Immediately.
Me : But is it right that SORE Band will Perform in this Event?
HC : That’s Right Sir, all you have to do is wait not more than ten minutes, then you can get in.
Me : Ok, Thanks.
HC : (Smiling Surely)
Honestly I have more Question to that Hot Chick like “Excuse me Miss, Can you explain why My Pants Suddenly getting so tight? Can you Fix it, please?” but I feel like I still have a politeness then I failed that good intention .
Felt not so good that we still have to wait a couple of minutes, I felt like I want to smoke a cigarette, then I took a stalk of cigarette, then guess what happened? I just realized that I forgot something so important to do this. A match.
I grope My purse. There’s No Match.
I grope My Girlfriend’s purse. There’s No match too.
I grope a Guy-standing-beside-me’s Purse. Taraaaaaa!! I Found a Bra!
Okay, and that’s our 2nd stupidity (mine, exactly). The Forgotten match.
Fortunately, there’s Circle-K around that area. Then we went to Circle-K and bought a (gas) match. Case closed. After that situation, I can get a priceless lesson from it.
Don’t Ever Buy a Gas Match in Circle-K. Why?! It’s so Expensive for a gas match, dude!
You have to spend IDR 8000 to buy a gas match in Circle-K. It worth an Import Cigarette, guys!
The Warming Performance
Okay, Forget about the match.
After back from Circle-K, Liquid Café is available to get in. With IDR 20.000 Ticket/person, Successfully, We are the very first guest that came in to the Café. Being the Very First guest is not good enough for us. When we came in, there’re few employee still cleaning everywhere, and get prepared for the show. We looks like a silly here. At the time, I was thinking about Monsters who came earliest in Ultraman movies, and now I know what they Feel.
About 15 minutes later, Peoples starts to came in to the Café, and DJ started to play the Music. A waitress came approach us an offered some drink to order, as me and my girlfriend both hates alcohol so much, I thought it’s good that we have to order ‘Jamu Buyung Upik’ (Indonesian traditional Drink for Smart kids). Lucky me, I have my conscious back and again, I failed that good intention . We ordered Nothing.
The show was started by Home Band Café Performance that I forget the name. With one of their Vocalist that have a ‘Pasha-Ungu’ Style, they’re successfully brought The Trend Hit list Music very good. Good enough to irritate my ears. But Thank God they have another two female Vocalist. Besides they are hot enough, their Stage act is pretty well energetic. Some single with Up-beat tempo like Umbrella-Rihanna, Beautiful girl-Sean Kingston, I Fell In Love With The DJ-Che’nelle, attractively performed.If I see The way they performed, their pretty face, their hot body, plus sexy wardrobe, it ‘s good enough to build my spirit’s up again.
After their performance, to fill up the break time, the DJ started to play his music again. Few minutes later the beat was stopped and the master of Ceremony came out. The MC (which face more suitable as a Comedian) was saying hello to audience with all of the spirits he has, and The Show Which sponsored by Jack Daniel’s would be started at the time.
Jenny’s Performance
The Stage Light is on, and a bunch of young guys stand up at the stage, they called themselves as Jenny.
On thing that I remember from the band which have Farid Stevy Asta as Vocalist, Roby Setiawan as Guitarist, Arjuna Bangsawan as Bassist, and Anish Setiadji as drummer is they are so, so Rock n’ Roll. As an indie band, I think their performance was worthy enough to be watched. That’s proven, because they’re invaded by a bunch of teenagers in front of their stage directly when they started to brought their Rock n’ Roll Music.
Jenny’s Vocalist who’s wearing a funeral costume, complete with Black umbrella, and a book [looks like a bible] successfully made audience goin’ crazy. Well, I’m feeling so sorry because I just can remember only two song that they brought. But you guys can find out more of Jenny in here.
In my Opinion, they’re not just a common indie band, because they have two things which made them affordable. It’s a single that have a killing power and attractive stage act.
Their stage act was so unique and so entertaining. Farid the Vocalist who always smoke a cigarette while perform once in a while came down the stage and join their fans sing their top single “Mati Muda” . Damn, that's so cool!
They invite another jazz singer named Tika to join them for collaboration too. The audience was so amazed with that collaboration, because Jenny and Tika Collaborate Rock n’Roll and Jazz. Wow! Imagine that!.
.:. You can listen to Tika’s Jazzy single in here.
Overall, Me and my Girlfriend fully satisfied with their performance. Besides the single “Mati muda”, another Single that so interesting for me is “Manifesto”. I can’t wait ‘till they released their singles in an album.
Main Performance
Finally, after DJ Fill up the break time with House Music again, and The MC finish his (so much) talk, that’s the time for Main Guest Star to Show off. There it is. “SORE”.
A band which have Awan Garnida as a bassist and Vocalist, Ade Firza Paloh as a Guitarist and Vocalist, Reza Dwiputranto as a Guitarist and Vocalist, Mondo Gascardo as Keyboardist and Vocalist, and Dono Firman as Keyboardist and Synthesizer , successfully made most of audience back down to fill up the mosh pit.
.:. for you guys who don’t know SORE yet, you can see their profile in here.

The bassist who was being front-man that night, Awan Garinda a.k.a Paul introduce their new band member Dono Firman in Synthesizer, and he apologize to audience because of their drummer’s absent, then the drummer had replaced by an additional player.
But that simple things doesn’t make the audience’s spirit down. Their singles like “Bogor Biru”, “Karolina”, “Merintih Perih” and “Essensimo” performed sweetly, and warmed the Café. Afterwards they made the audience so noisy with bringing their top single from their first album “Centralismo”, a single called “Mata Berdebu”, and they made the Café sang together (even there are still a few audience can’t remember the lyric accurately, including me and my
girlfriend). Cool!
Successfully made the audience stamp on the floor with a single “Ernestito” which is the Original Soundtrack of “Quickie Express”, Then they made almost of all audience floating with their classic single.
No, Not “Yamko Rambe Yamko”.
But “Pergi Tanpa Pesan”
An Indonesian original single which ever famous in 50’s, and included as one of the Original Soundtrack of “Berbagi Suami” (Love For Share). So Mesmerize!
After Finish made the audience floating around felt the classic atmosphere, SORE made the audience back to the earth with the spirits of freedom. Yup, Somos Libres. A single about freedom, and they yell out the freedom better than ever.
Finally they close the show with another top single in “Ports of Lima”, a song called “Setengah Lima”. I thought that’s not a correct single for closing the show, because it’s not 4:30 am yet at the time. It can give a sweet ending, as sweet as Javanese sugar and give an positive energy to audience.
But all of audience feel that’s not enough, and they started to yell out “Give us rice!Give us rice!Give us rice!” then they’re not getting any attention. Fortunately the realized to awake, and they started to yell out “We want more! We want more! We want more!” then the audience’s applause getting more noisy when the lights turn back on.
“This is the song for couples whose the hearts fulfilled with love, so sing it with all of your spirit guys!” said Paul. Then Paul give a chance for audience to sing the chorus first. “Come on guys, Pull out your spirit. Sing it Jogjaaaa!!”
And the lyric “I love you when you love me, and we’re gonna make a big family” Yell out loudly.
SORE played “No Fruits for Today” so attractive.
Something that I like is SORE asked all of us to sing by a gender, first is boys turn to sing, and then the girls allowed to answer them afterwards we all sing together. As if, they asked everybody to expressed their love to their own date with the song. Interesting!
But there’s not an eternal show, after brought the song “No Fruits for Today” for us, SORE Performance is totally ended. There are Some audience who still yelling out “We want more!” at the time, but It’s impossible, because the DJ had chose to Play his Turntable again instead Play his Boss’s face.
Me and my girlfriend thought this Show was so impressing. Besides we can watch the show together, we got some souvenir which given by SORE’s personnel in the end of the show. There are stickers, Drum stick, PS Joystick, and Coki² (the last two things is fictitious)
We are so satisfied for the SORE’s performance, the great sound which has no difference from their album recording, and SORE’s skill to build a good communication to their fans make the show which not less than one hour feels so warmed and too fast to be over.
Time to go Home. We decided to go home, when we go out from the café we were so hurry took a taxi and hoping we can go home in relax. Damn! Again, we did the stupidity. We almost lost our bag which filled with my Room’s key, My GF’s Room’s key, jacket, Umbrella, a Gum, and few of small change. With a little bit jogging in that early morning we back to a hot chick who’s guard the main gate and keep the visitor’s bag. Fyuh.. we’re safe. Afterwards, we’re really back home by taxi.
The SORE’s Concert was so impressed us so much, when we arrived home, I turn play “Pergi Tanpa Pesan” on, and we had a slow dance, floating around with the music, then.. we kissed. ^^
Fact about SORE :
- All of the personnel are left-handed
- Their first album “Centralismo” is in the part of Times magazine as one from five Asian Album which most worth it to be collected.
- They took a long road to Jogja with 15 hour trip just for the concert which didn’t took more than one hour.
do u retype your blog post to english language...??
BalasHapusthat awesome! xP
@ mbikh:
BalasHapusThx.... :D